Author: simonc

Making Money With Adsense and Blogger

With so many “Get Rich Quick” stories floating around the Internet, it seems that more and more people are looking for ways to get their own piece of the action. After all, if other people are making money online, then it can’t be all that hard, can it? It is this line of thinking that has people from all around the world starting up blogs and hoping to make some fast cash.

Unfortunately, it isn’t as easy as it sounds. Sure, it’s not at all hard to sign up with Blogger and set up a free blog – all you need to do is fill out a few forms and select the template you like best. The catch is, maintaining a blog is a lot of work and you’ll need an established blog before you can apply for a Google Adsense account. Google declines applications for blogs that do not contain enough quality content, so it is important that you do not apply for the program too early.

To ensure that your blog is of high enough quality to be accepted into the Google Adsense program, you’ll need to find an interesting angle to your chosen topic and create many worthwhile posts about it. It will take a lot of hard work and dedication before you start to see a steady stream of visitors to your blog, so be prepared for the long haul.

This period between writing quality blog posts and waiting for the visitors to arrive is where most new bloggers ultimately give up. It can be discouraging to spend so much time adding interesting and informative content, only for it to sit there unread. Unfortunately, your first posts will likely go unseen until you have established yourself as a quality blogger.

That leaves us with the question, “How does a person establish themselves as a quality blogger?” Well, you can do this by continuing to add useful content to your blog and implementing various marketing strategies to bring in more visitors. As you add more posts and work on marketing your blog, your readership will gradually increase.

Once you have a steady stream of visitors and a substantial number of quality posts, it will be time to apply for a Google Adsense account. Luckily, this step couldn’t be simpler. With Blogger now owned by Google, you are encouraged to apply for an Adsense account from directly within the Blogger interface.

Once your application has been accepted, you will be able to select the size, shape, color, and location for the Adsense ads that will be displayed on your blog. Testing various combinations of ad types, colors, and locations will help you to maximize your Adsense revenue.

As you can see, making money with Adsense and Blogger will require a lot of time and effort. Fortunately, if you are willing to add quality posts and market your blog, it can become a lucrative venture. Just be prepared to stick with it long term and wait until you have an established blog before applying for a Google Adsense account.

About the Author: simonc

Beautifying Your Blog with a Premade Theme

Though it’s entirely possible to design your own custom blog theme, many people choose to skip the hassle and instead install one of the thousands of premade templates that are available online. Using a premade blog theme is perfect for people who know little about website design, but it is also great for those familiar with coding, who just don’t have the time to create their own unique theme.

With so many custom themes available, it’s very rare to find two blogs using the same custom theme. Even if there is more than one blog already using the theme you plan to install, it is unlikely that your visitors will ever come across it, keeping the look of your blog fresh and unique to those who visit it.

Now that you’ve decided to install a premade theme, what should you do first? That’s simple. It’s time to search for a theme that will compliment your website’s content.

Before you start searching for a premade theme, it is important to note the type of blogging platform that you are currently using (WordPress, Blogger, etc.) and the version number that you have installed. Be sure that you search for themes that are compatible with both your platform and version number before trying to install your new theme. Trying to install an incompatible theme on your blog can lead to display errors or worse yet, it could actually break your blog altogether.

So, you’ve found the perfect theme, now what? It’s time to download the theme to your computer and install it into the appropriate place on the server. Be sure to follow any installation instructions to ensure that the theme installs correctly.

Please note that there is always a chance for something to go wrong during installation, so it is highly recommended that you back up both your blog files and the original theme package before installing a new theme. This way, you can always go back to your blog’s original theme, while you either retry the installation or search for a new custom theme.

Most custom blog themes found around the Internet can be used free of charge, but if your website requires something a little more original, you always have the option of purchasing a custom blog theme. Both usage and full-rights options are available when purchasing certain blog themes, so be sure to choose the full-rights option if you require a 100% original theme.

Depending on the particular website, the license option that you need, and the complexity of the theme, prices can vary greatly. Some themes will be easily affordable to both personal bloggers and small business owners alike, while others can reach very expensive prices.

If you happen to see a website claiming to offer full-rights packages to custom blog themes at no cost, be very careful about using that particular site. Because a full-rights blog template can only be used once, it is nearly impossible to find people who offer them free of charge. More often than not, the site will continue to allow other bloggers to download and install the same theme, regardless of their claims.

So, if you’ve been looking for a way to customize the look of your blog, why not take a quick look around the Internet at some premade blog themes. Odds are, you’ll be able to find a theme more than suitable for your blog that can be easily downloaded and installed in just a few clicks – saving you the time and frustration of trying to create one on your own.

About the Author: simonc

How to Hire the Perfect Ghost Writer

If you need articles, but don’t have the time, patience, or skills to write your own, then it’s probably time to hire a ghost writer. Unfortunately, not everyone claiming to be professional writers actually are, and many of these “professional” writers have a tendency to produce substandard or plagiarized work. So, what can you do to ensure that you hire the perfect writer for your specific job? Here are a few tips to help you narrow down potential candidates.

Ask for Writing Samples

To get a better idea of a writer’s style and abilities, ask potential candidates to provide samples of their work before choosing who to hire. Be sure to run these samples through a plagiarism detector and check them for obvious spelling or grammatical errors. These samples should also be sufficient for determining the overall quality of their writing.

Inquire about Turnaround Time and Rates

Because turnaround time and rates will vary between writers, it is important to learn how much a writer charges and how soon they feel they can complete your project before making your final decision. Only hire a ghost writer who can provide content within your desired time frame and for a price you are willing to pay.

Never Pay Upfront

When it comes time to actually hire a writer, never pay upfront. Many of the writers asking for upfront payments are less than reputable, often delivering after the established deadlines or never at all. Only after you’ve established a working relationship with a quality ghost writer should you re-evaluate the situation and decide whether or not upfront payments are right for you.

It can be hard to find the perfect ghost writer, but spending the extra time upfront can save you a great deal of frustration down the road. If you are unsure about a particular writer, but would still like to give them a try, start with a smaller project to help minimize potential losses. Just remember, your perfect writer is out there somewhere – all you need to do is find them.

About the Author: simonc

How to Spot a Tinder Bot

Have you ever found yourself several messages into a Tinder conversation with the nagging feeling that you might not be talking with a real live human? If so, then you’re not alone. With recent advancements in chatbot technology, it is becoming increasingly difficult to tell which Tinder matches are human and which are not. That’s why knowing how to spot a bot can come in very handy.

Now, before venturing too far into the topic of how to spot a Tinder bot, it’s worth explaining exactly what a Tinder bot is and why they are used. Tinder bots are computer programs designed to converse with humans through the popular mobile dating app, Tinder. While some Tinder bots are rather obvious by design and go straight to spamming users with unsolicited links, others can hold far more natural sounding conversations, making them much harder to recognize and avoid.

As for why chatbots are used on dating apps – there are several reasons. Some chatbots found on dating apps have been added by the app creators themselves to make their members appear more active, while other dating app creators have added chatbots to help superficially even out the often-unbalanced number of male and female accounts. A third type of chatbot is frequently added by outside influencers looking to directly advertise to an app’s users. Such outside influencers may try to direct users to other sites or apps via link spam or simply slip mentions of their products or services into seemingly real conversations for some covert advertising.

In knowing all this, how can you spot a Tinder bot so you can stop wasting your time talking with a computer program and move on to your next match? Though you may have considered just asking your match if they are in fact a Tinder bot, this method isn’t generally recommended. Odds are, if you are talking with a bot, they will have been programmed to lie whenever the ‘bot or not’ question pops up in conversation. Worse yet, if you are talking with a human and question them about possibly being a bot, you might end up sounding like a jerk, driving your match away.

That said, here are four other things Tinder users can do to help spot Tinder bots:

About the Author: simonc