Web Design Mistakes – Animated GIFs


It can be tough for amateur webmasters to create a professional looking website. You want your visitors to take you and your product seriously, but what is the best way to go about it? For starters, think about whether or not your website should be displaying animated GIFs.

Animated GIFs are those little fun moving images that can be found all over the Internet. Sometimes they are used as banners, other times as icons, and yet other times as simple graphical images. No matter what they are being used for, the key to defining an animated GIF is two-fold – first that it moves and second that it has a .gif file extension.

Granted, a well-placed animated GIF can bring a certain flair to your website, but be careful not to add too many, because once you’ve crossed the line of too many moving, blinking, or spinning images, you’ve already started losing potential customers.

Most people cringe upon seeing pages bursting with movement. It’s annoying, distracting, and does nothing but draw your visitors’ eyes away from the very products or services you are promoting. In fact, many visitors will quickly exit out of a page, if they feel there are too many distracting animated GIFs.

Now, making your visitors feel negatively enough about your website that they want to exit out of it, isn’t the greatest way to convince your potential customers that you’re running a trustworthy and professional business. So, the next time you think about placing an animated GIF on your website, be sure to thoroughly weigh the pros and cons of the image, to better decide if you should or shouldn’t display it on your web page.

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