Using Paid To Click Websites for Online Branding


For many new business owners, an important part of advertising a company is online branding. There are many ways to get your name out there online, but one of the most underused methods is utilizing paid to click (PTC) websites. Though PTC websites aren’t a good fit for all business models, they can be a valuable asset in certain cases.

Paid to click websites are a great place to advertise, especially if your target demographic is lower income individuals. Though paid to click programs have the potential to bring your company’s website a phenomenal amount of web traffic for very little money, there is one drawback. The reality of PTC sites is that they end up drawing a lot of lower income traffic – mostly people who are trying to earn a little money online – which is why they aren’t the best place to advertise high end products or services.

For a better understanding, it can be helpful to know a little bit about how these PTC websites operate. Advertisers pay a small fee to promote their website using a banner ad or text link which is then made available for members to click. If members choose to click a link, they are given a small amount of money in exchange for looking at the advertiser’s website. Every time a member clicks on one of your links, your company’s brand receives a little more exposure.

It is also worth noting that paid to click traffic tends to convert rather poorly. If your goal is sales, then you most likely won’t sell enough through PTC advertising to cover your initial investment, but you might end up with a small number of sales, sign ups, or subscriptions which can help offset advertising costs. Just remember, you aren’t advertising on PTC websites to make a sale. You are advertising to increase your company’s brand exposure.

Online branding is a vitally important part of any new business owner’s start-up plan. Though there are many ways to create brand exposure online, using paid to click websites can be a cheap and effective method, especially if you’re targeting a lower income demographic. With just a small advertising budget, any company can easily increase brand exposure by using PTC websites.

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