Low Adsense CTR? Aim for Higher CPM Earnings


If you aren’t receiving many clicks to your Adsense ad units, despite having spent countless hours testing new sizes, colors, and placements, you might want to change your approach and try maximizing your earnings with Adsense CPM ads instead. Because Adsense CPM ads pay on a cost-per-thousand-impressions basis, the more impressions your ads receive, the more money you can potentially make – even without anyone clicking on your Adsense ads.

The key here is maximizing your total ad impressions, so doing everything you can to increase your hits is important. So, how can you increase your total hits? There are several ways to go about increasing your impressions, but one of the easiest is linking to additional or related information found on a separate page of your website. Linking to additional information will not only increase your Adsense impressions, but it will also help to keep your original page less cluttered.

Another simple way to increase impressions is to split long articles over two pages. This should not only increase your total hit count, but it will also make your pages load faster and the information seems less daunting to the reader. Be cautious when using this technique however, because too many splits in an article can have the opposite effect and actually frustrate your visitors instead.

It is important to note that it is against Adsense terms Et conditions to artificially generate ad impressions. If you are trying to increase your hits to maximize your CPM earnings, make sure that any and all additional pages that you are linking to on your site contain enough supplementary or related information to be useful to your visitors.

If you are wondering how you can get these Adsense CPM ads on your website, it’s easy. Simply insert the ad unit code on your page as usual, and Google will show a combination of CPC (cost-per-click) and CPM (cost-per-thousand-impression) ads within the ad slot. It is not currently possible to choose only CPC or CPM ads when creating an ad unit and despite some misconceptions, Google employees have verified that both image and text ads are used in CPM campaigns.

So, if you are looking for a way to increase your Adsense revenues, but you can’t seem to get any clicks no matter what you try, you should consider increasing your ad impressions as a way of maximizing your CPM earnings. By linking to additional or related information on your website and splitting up long articles across two pages, you can increase your total ad impressions and ultimately, your total Adsense earnings.

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