Author: simonc

The Importance of Multiple Browser Testing

There’s nothing more annoying when visiting a website than reading the fine print at the bottom of the page that states, “This site is best viewed using Internet Explorer 8 at a resolution of 1024×768”. Not everyone uses Internet Explorer as their primary Internet browser, and the number of different screen resolutions in use today is on the rise.

That’s why it is incredibly important to test that your website functions correctly in all of the popular browsers. By looking at your website’s statistics, you will be able to see which browsers are the most commonly used amongst your visitors, which will give you a better idea about which browsers you should be testing your website in.

The most popular browsers used today are Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, Mozilla’s Firefox, and Google Chrome. Which of these is the most popular amongst visitors, can change depending on each website’s primary audience. If you don’t currently have these browsers on your computer, it is recommended that you download and install all three for website testing purposes. Each of these browsers can be safely downloaded from the company’s official website at no charge, so you can easily see your website’s functionality in each of the popular Internet browsers.

Now, it can be difficult to make your website look perfect in each browser because they don’t all render code in the same manner. Because of this, it is recommended to build your site in a way that it appears the best in your visitors’ most used browser, while still maintaining a properly functioning, and decent looking website in the others.

If you have been making the mistake of only testing your website in one browser, your visitors could be having trouble properly viewing your pages, and as a result, leaving your website without taking the time to fully explore it. Luckily, however, there’s a simple solution to the problem. Download the other popular Internet browsers, and start testing that your website functions correctly in them all.

About the Author: simonc

Want Headings in Non-Standard Fonts? Better Make Them Image Files

So, you’ve designed your website in Photoshop. It’s looking great -the logo is eye-catching, the navigation is easily understood, and your headings look amazing. Now its time to convert your design into a functioning website. Sounds simple, right? Maybe not.

There is no doubt that Photoshop is a great tool for designing websites, but unfortunately, not all designs made within the program can be easily transformed into working webpages. This is especially true for designs using non-standard fonts.

You have to remember that just because you’ve downloaded and installed the perfect font, doesn’t mean that your visitors will have done the same. In reality, the majority of your visitors won’t be able to display any non-standard fonts, meaning they won’t be able to see your website in all its glory.

Now, you could post a link on your website asking your visitors to go and download the specific font in question, but odds are, most won’t be bothered. Not to worry, however, because you can still make your website appear just the way you want it to while using those same unique fonts.

Here’s the catch – it’s going to take a little extra effort on your part. Luckily, the solution is simple and relatively painless. All you need to do is create image files to replace your textual headings. Displaying an image file on your webpage will preserve any non-standard fonts and display them correctly in all browsers, regardless of whether or not your visitors have the particular font installed.

You may be asking yourself, but won’t use images instead of text hurt my rank in Google? Not really. As long as the bulk of your website’s content is still written in standard text, you should be fine. Be sure, however, to add alt text to each of your images so that Google can still index the text within your header images. This will also make it possible for the visually impaired to easily read your headings.

As you can see, designing websites with headings that use non-standard fonts isn’t all that difficult. By simply converting your textual headings into graphical images with alt text, you can still use any font that you wish, without worrying that your visitors will not be able to display them correctly.

About the Author: simonc

Twitter Explained: What is a Hashtag?

If you are new to Twitter, there are probably a number of words that you don’t yet understand. One of the more common Twitter-related words that many people initially find confusing is “hashtag”. So, just what is a hashtag? Continue reading to find out.

A hashtag is any word preceded by the “#” sign in a Twitter message. These words, which are automatically turned into links when submitting a Tweet, are used to connect commonly themed messages across the Twitter network.

Hashtags can be used in a variety of ways. Sometimes they are used to connect messages about a certain website, like #facebook or #google; other times they are used to connect messages about specific cities, like #chicago or #london; while other times they can be used to link specific ideas, like #icantgoadaywithout and #wheneverimbored. It doesn’t matter what you are connecting, so long as it is a series of characters preceded by the “#” sign, then it is a hashtag.

Clicking on any Twitter hashtag will bring up the latest messages that have been sent containing that particular hashtag. This can be a great way to follow a current theme or topic that is of interest to you.

There are many words describing Twitter features and it takes a little research to understand the meaning of each one. Thankfully, once you have a better understanding of the words, you can better utilize all of what Twitter has to offer – including hashtags.

About the Author: simonc

Earn Money Online By Parking Expired Domains

Lately, there have been a number of people buying up expired domain names hoping to earn money online. Sure, it sounds like a quick and easy way to make a little extra cash, but unfortunately, earning money online isn’t always that easy of a task. If you are, however, willing to invest the proper time, effort, and money, then you should have no problem earning some extra money by parking expired domains.

One of the greatest features surrounding expired domains is that they often come with a good deal of traffic. Odds are, the previous owner has already spent the necessary time and money to promote the website and will have the returning visitors and linkbacks to prove it. Aged domains also tend to be favored by Google and more often than not, show up prominently in their search engine results.

About the Author: simonc

Commenting Out in PHP

Comments can be a PHP programmer’s best friend. Even if you are writing the code for yourself, chances are there will come a day when you’ll forget what some of your code actually does. A few simple comments written throughout the code can be extremely helpful in this regard. Because simple comments won’t always cut it, more detailed comments can also be used to explain your more complicated pieces of code.

Though comments can be used under any circumstances, it becomes especially important to include them if other people will be working on your PHP files in the future. Making sure to write comments throughout the file will help other programmers to better understand your code when making any changes of their own.

Don’t worry about adding too many comments in your PHP code. It is always better to have too many comments than too few. Also, unlike HTML comments, there is no need to worry about your comments showing up in the source code of a web page. The only place where PHP coded comments are visible is in the actual PHP file itself.

Now, there are a few ways that you can add comments to your PHP files. If you are making just a short comment, you can precede it with either a “#” or “//”. Either of these options will comment out anything following the # or // symbols, as long as they appear on the same line.



# This is a comment.

// This is also a comment.


Neither of the PHP comments in the previous example would appear in a browser’s source code of the web page. This is because as mentioned above, any PHP comments used within the code will only appear in the actual PHP file.
For times when you’d like to make a comment about a more complicated piece of your code, you may wish to use the ” /* ” and ” */ ” symbols instead. This type of code is used for multi-line comments and will comment out anything that falls between the initial /* and the following */.



/* This is a multi-line comment written in PHP.

Multi-line comments are used to describe more complicated pieces of code and often contain specific details about the code itself, what the code can be used for, or who created the original piece of code. */


Just like in the first example, the PHP snippet shown above would not appear when viewing the source code in a web browser. Multi-line comments are only visible in the PHP file itself, regardless of their size or the number of line breaks used between the opening /* and the closing */.

The more experienced you become at coding PHP, the more complicated your code is bound to become. Be sure to add plenty of comments so that your future self and others will be able to easily understand exactly what you have coded. Adding ample PHP comments can save yourself and others a great deal of frustration in the future.

About the Author: simonc

How Often Does Google Adsense Pay?

Most new publishers who have added Google Adsense to their websites wonder how often they can expect to be paid by Google. The answer to this question depends on two factors – how much income your website generates through the Google Adsense program and whether or not this figure meets the minimum payment threshold.

The minimum payment threshold is the balance that Adsense requires you to have in your account before they issue payment. Everyone’s payment threshold is automatically set to $100US upon creating an account, and unfortunately, this amount cannot be reduced.

If like some publishers, your bank charges a large fee to convert US dollar checks into your home currency and you would like to wait until your earnings have reached a higher amount to help offset this charge, you can always apply a self-hold to your earnings. This will allow your earnings to keep building up in your account until you have chosen to lift the hold at a later date.

Because of the way the Google Adsense program is set up, publishers are not sent their payments immediately after reaching the payment threshold of $100US. Instead, any additional earnings will continue to add up until the end of the month. Payments are then sent out monthly to qualifying publishers, just before the end of the month following the account reaching the payment threshold.

To better illustrate this, we will look at a simple example. Any accounts reaching the payment threshold during the month of May are paid at the end of the following month, in this case, June. The particular date that Google issues their payments can change slightly each month, but payment almost always falls during the final week of the month.

Now, as you have probably realized, most new publishers using the Google Adsense program will not be able to accrue the $100US needed for payment within their first month. Not to worry, however, because any earnings that do not reach the payment threshold will continue to roll over month-by-month, for as long as it takes the account balance to qualify for payment.

Though payments are sent out monthly, in the month following the account reaching the payment threshold, delivery times will vary depending on the payment method you have chosen. Some forms of payment, like Electric Funds Transfer (EFT) will arrive more quickly, while other methods, like Standard Delivery Checks will take longer to arrive.

So, as you can see, there are numerous factors which will determine how often you will be paid by Google through their Google Adsense program. By knowing a little bit more about each of these factors, you will be better able to estimate just how often you, as an Adsense Publisher, will receive your payments.

About the Author: simonc

Low Adsense CTR? Aim for Higher CPM Earnings

If you aren’t receiving many clicks to your Adsense ad units, despite having spent countless hours testing new sizes, colors, and placements, you might want to change your approach and try maximizing your earnings with Adsense CPM ads instead. Because Adsense CPM ads pay on a cost-per-thousand-impressions basis, the more impressions your ads receive, the more money you can potentially make – even without anyone clicking on your Adsense ads.

The key here is maximizing your total ad impressions, so doing everything you can to increase your hits is important. So, how can you increase your total hits? There are several ways to go about increasing your impressions, but one of the easiest is linking to additional or related information found on a separate page of your website. Linking to additional information will not only increase your Adsense impressions, but it will also help to keep your original page less cluttered.

Another simple way to increase impressions is to split long articles over two pages. This should not only increase your total hit count, but it will also make your pages load faster and the information seems less daunting to the reader. Be cautious when using this technique however, because too many splits in an article can have the opposite effect and actually frustrate your visitors instead.

It is important to note that it is against Adsense terms Et conditions to artificially generate ad impressions. If you are trying to increase your hits to maximize your CPM earnings, make sure that any and all additional pages that you are linking to on your site contain enough supplementary or related information to be useful to your visitors.

If you are wondering how you can get these Adsense CPM ads on your website, it’s easy. Simply insert the ad unit code on your page as usual, and Google will show a combination of CPC (cost-per-click) and CPM (cost-per-thousand-impression) ads within the ad slot. It is not currently possible to choose only CPC or CPM ads when creating an ad unit and despite some misconceptions, Google employees have verified that both image and text ads are used in CPM campaigns.

So, if you are looking for a way to increase your Adsense revenues, but you can’t seem to get any clicks no matter what you try, you should consider increasing your ad impressions as a way of maximizing your CPM earnings. By linking to additional or related information on your website and splitting up long articles across two pages, you can increase your total ad impressions and ultimately, your total Adsense earnings.

About the Author: simonc

Twitter Explained: What is a Tweet?

With technology changing so fast these days, it can be hard to stay on top of the latest technological trends. One of the most popular trends that many people aren’t entirely familiar with, is known as Twitter. Yes, it’s true that nearly everyone has heard of the website – especially with Twitter spoken of in the news on a near daily basis, but despite its prevalence in the media, it remains a part of the World Wide Web that many people do not fully understand.

One of the most common and basic questions asked about Twitter is, “What is a Tweet?” The easiest way to answer this question is to visit the website and perform a quick search. Feel free to search for any topic that interests you, as virtually all topics already have a large number of Tweets associated with them.

Once you have come up with a topic and have completed your search, you will be taken to a results page. From here, you will see a list of short textual messages relating to your search term. All of the messages listed are what’s commonly referred to as a “Tweet”.

Each Tweet is limited to 140 characters and can contain various elements like links, hashtags, and @Mentions. Hashtags are simply words preceded by the “#” sign, which are used to group together posts of a similar topic. @Mentions, on the other hand, are used to link to a specific Twitter user. @Mentions are created using the @username format, where “username” is replaced with the actual username of the Twitter member that is being mentioned within the Tweet.

To send out your own Tweets using the Twitter network, you will need to sign up for an account. Signing up is fast, free, and doesn’t require the approval of an administrator. After signing up, you’ll be free to create your own Tweets immediately.

If in the past you found the concept of Tweets to be very strange and confusing, you are not alone. Luckily, it is one of those technologies that can be easily understood with a little research and explanation. By taking the time to It more about the whole Twitter phenomena, you too can take part in one of the Internet’s most popular trends.

About the Author: simonc

When Blogging, Write About Your Passions

Too many people try to find the highest paying niche before starting a blog. They figure that by blogging about the highest paying keywords they can find, they will somehow strike it rich. Of course, there is always the rare chance of finding success using this method, but another method tends to be more reliable.

Instead of writing about a random topic you know little about but happened to discover at the top of a high paying keywords list, you should choose to write about a topic for which you are passionate. By writing about what you know and love, you will be better able to create interesting and informative content. After all, you already know about the topic, you simply need to organize what you know into a series of blog postings.

It is interesting and informative content that sets one blog ahead of the others. Interesting content draws in more visitors and encourages those visitors to share the content with others. The more people who share your blog’s content, the higher it will rank in major search engines like Google or Yahoo. By ranking higher in the popular search engines, more people will find your site.

The other benefit of writing about your passions is that you will be more eager to add new posts. It can be a real struggle to write about a topic you know little about and care even less for, but when you are writing about a topic you enjoy, it becomes much easier to create new content. If you plan to regularly add content to your blog, then writing about a topic that you love will definitely make the process less painful.

In the end, it’s up to you to decide on which topic you want to write about when starting up a new blog. Just be sure to avoid scanning the top paying keyword lists for ideas and instead look to your passions when making the decision. By doing so, you will be well on your way to creating a great blog.

About the Author: simonc